The kitchen was one of the worst windows. We got cold just walking by it and it fogged up all the time.
The window in the den had a crack all the way across the right pane and a hole from a BB gun on the outside of the left pane.
The window in Shannon's room is one of 6 windows of the same type. They are wooden, double hung, and I believe original to the house (built in 1955). Hers was missing the pane on the outside and was painted shut.
Our bedroom was missing the bottom pane on the inside and the outside pane rattled whenever we walked into the room. It was also very difficult to open.
There were 4 tiles on our kitchen floor that weren't attached to anything. The grout was long gone, so they moved around all over the place. Here is what it looked like before:
You can kind of see pine needles and other garbage in the cracks where the grout should have been. I lifted those 4 tiles and cleaned the floor, then ended up removing 5 more tiles around them that were pretty loose. Here is what that looked like:
I spent 3 hours scraping the old cement off of the floor and trying to get it as smooth as I could. I had the dust all over me when I read the instructions on the new bag of cement that said it causes cancer. Awesome. I put 5 screws into the subfloor where it was uneven, and got it pretty flat. The rest was easy. Here is the finished product:
Whoever put down the tile floor in the first place didn't do a very good job and they obviously didn't use spacers, so I did the best I could, but they are still a little crooked. Nothing we can do about that unless we take up the whole floor (which, eventually, is probably going to happen--I don't love tile!) Now I need to scrub the grout around it and get it all sealed so that I won't have to scrub it anymore!
It looks wonderful. I hope that you can get the grout cleaned around, because it looks really nice new! You did a great job. It is so much fun to have your very own home! ;)
Looks great! Yay! Don't you love to have things getting done? Try a clorox pen on the grout. That's what a friend of mine used on hers and it worked pretty well.
It does look awesome! Why don't you love tile? I like it a lot better than wood laminate. New windows in the winter must make a huge difference! I love it! We will come see it this summer maybe.
Amy, we're holding you to that! Especially since you bailed on Thanksgiving!
Yay, new windows! I remember when we got new windows on our 50's house a few years ago. It was so nice and amazing how much warmer it was, too. Looks great, Holly! You have been working so hard! It's fun to see the progress.
Nicely done! Come help me redo my ugly 1950s bathroom -- ALL TILE up the about chest height. Yuck!
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