Here is what we started with. I wish I had taken a picture before I cleaned the toilet, but I don't think anyone would have wanted to see that anyway. Jeny got upclose and personal with the toilet when she helped me replace the wax seal, so she can attest to the vileness of it. It's clean now, I promise.

Here is how it looks now. Here is a list of what I did, since you can't see all of it: scrubbed everything (I don't know how, nor do I wish to know how, but the previous owners managed to get urine on every wall and the door from about knee level down), new toilet seat, replaced wax ring, re-caulked everything, new baseboard behind toilet, replaced leaky faucet, installed outlet next to light switch (that I haven't wired yet because I don't have a ladder to get into the attic), wet sanded and polished countertop, sealed and painted ceiling, new towel rack, sealed and painted baseboards, and mounted the vanity cabinet to the wall.

I had my doubts about this tub, but it cleaned up very nicely. Some of the paint is worn off where there was a door at one time, but I will eventually fix that.
Here is a picture just for fun. Shannon wanted to read a book to Leah, so she climbed up in her crib with her. Leah absolutely loved it. I sure do love these girls.
Wow, that bathroom does looks good. You did a good job Holly.
It looks good.
I'm sure it feels better. Yuck.
That's got to feel good.
Yay! You're getting stuff done. How do you do that with little ones running around? It looks great. Good job.
You're amazing! The bathroom looks great.
I love the reading picture! It's Curious George, isn't it? She's pretty funny!
I'm impressed! I don't deal well with other people's crap. Literally.
Good to hear from you!
Wow! What a transformation! It looks great.
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