Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Another one!!

It's finally time to make the official announcement. We are going to have another baby around November 30th. I just went to the doctor today and he did an ultrasound just for the fun of it. I got some pictures, but my scanner isn't set up and I am too lazy right now to get it out, so you will have to wait. They aren't very good, anyway. It's a wiggly baby, just like Shannon was. The ultrasound was every bit as fun as last time. It's just so amazing! I saw the tiny little hands waving around and the legs kicking. Then the baby did a really good stretch for us. Even the doctor was having fun with it! Since the most common question seems to be "how are you feeling?" I will just let you all know that I am feeling great. I was nauseated for a few weeks, but not very badly, and it has pretty much gone away now. Other than that I'm just very excited!


heather said...

Yeah!!!! I thought you might be prego...congrats! I am so hppy 4 u guys. Good luck with the pregnancy!

Janell said...

That is so exciting!! Congratulations!!!

Teresa said...

I checked your blog between you posting the baby ticker and this post. I posted a confused comment on your mothers day blog. :) Well congratulations officially now! That's so great!

Laurel said...

Yea!!! Holly, congratulations! And Shannon is SO cute - I need to check your blog more often! I'm really happy for you! :)

carrie said...

Congrats on being pregnant! I didn't know you had a blog...cool! Your little Shannon is sooo precious! How'd you do that cool thing...your blog list with people's new posts? That's really cool. Nice hearing from and seeing you!