Ahh, the phases our children go through! Shannon now loves to dress herself. I had already gotten her dressed, but she went through her drawers (pulling out everything and spreading it around the room, of course) and found this lovely outfit. She likes to put a shirt on over the shirt she is wearing, but never puts her arms in the sleeves. I purposely positioned the camera so that nobody would be offended, because another of her favorite fashion statements is taking off her diaper. That's right, she has nothing on except for the shirts. My favorite is when she comes out of her bedroom without a stitch of clothing on, with the exception on an unmatched pair of shoes.
I love that second picture! Her face is saying to me "look how awesome I am! I can dress myself" ha it's great
she is super funny! and cuddly! I wish she would come cuddle with me!
These pictures remind me of another two-year-old a few years back...of course, she dressed her twin and her twin dressed her! There were some very interesting combinations that included their parents' temple garments.
Your family is so cute. I love the photos. I'm glad you have a blog so I can keep up better. When is your baby due?
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